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Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Intake, Diagnosis, and Treatment Plan

Upon entering our office, Rosita our Chiropractic Assistant will greet and welcome you.  We will request you fill our patient forms located in the Online Forms tab or in office. This paperwork is vital for Dr. Risner to review and set up a treatment plan. 


Next you will have a consultation with Dr. Risner where he can address your concerns, problems, and possible treatment plans. 


Dr. Risner will then perform a full chiropractic examination including vitals, reflexes, neurological, orthopedic, and postural tests. At this point Dr. Risner may require x-rays for your specific condition for a full evaluation. Nothing will be done in our office without your consent. 


A relief treatment will be given to help ease the pain of your condition. At this point we will schedule your "Report Of Findings", where Dr. Risner will go over all imaging, diagnosis and options of treatment plans. Print and fill out the forms now to save time in the office!


Helpful Resources

For Your Reference

Posture Do’s & Don’ts

How to save your spine NOW by knowing what NOT to do.

Core Stretches

Core stretches to support your lower back.

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